List of chemicals used in textile industry | Different Types of Chemical is used for Fabric dyeing


Chemical are second important material for dyeing knit fabric. Chemical are mixed in dyeing machine with the dyes. Use of chemicals depends on the dyes type. Some chemical is strong alkaline some are weak and some are moderate in nature.

List of chemicals used in textile industry | Different Types of Chemical is used for Fabric dyeing
Dyes & Chemicals

List of chemicals used in textile industry

Basic chemicals:
  • Soda ash
  • Hydrochloric
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Sulfuric acid
  • Formic acid
  • Caustic soda
  • Acetic acid
  • Sodium Hypo Chloride

Bleaching Agent
  • Hydrogen peroxide 50%

  • Glubar salt
  • Common salt
  • Caustic soda
  • Caustic soda pear

Detergent or Scouring Agent
  • Jintex-GD
  • Felosan RGN
  • Jintex-GS
  • Invadine DA
  • Invatex CS
  • Cibafluid C

Washing agent or soaping agent
  • Serafast CRD
  • Kappatex R98
  • Crosden LPD
  • Resotex WOP
  • Diypol XLF
  • Jintex WRN

Leveling Agent
  • Levelinx-p
  • Jinleve leve-RSPL
  • Serabid MIP
  • Dyapol XLF
  • Lubovin RG BD
  • Baso winch PEL
  • Osimol rol
  • Uniperol EL
  • Prote Gal DP505

Sequestering Agent
  • Ladqueast 1097
  • Dekol SM
  • Sirrix Ak liq
  • Resotext 600S
  • Heptol EMG
  • Heptol DBL

Whitenting Agent
  • Uvitex2B
  • Uvitex BHV
  • Bluton BBV
  • Tuboblanc col
  • Uvitex BAM
  • Synowhite
  • Hostalux ETBN

Fixing Agent
  • Sandofix EC
  • Tinofix ECO
  • Protefix DPE 568
  • Jinfix SR
  • Optifix EC
  • Cibafix ECO
  • Cycianon E

  • Cetasaft CS
  • resomine supper
  • Acelon 
  • Resosoft-XCL
  • Silicon

Sequestering Agent
  • Ladiqueast 1097
  • Dekol SM
  • Sirrix AK liq

Peroxide Killer
  • Invatx PC
  • Lorinol PK
  • Basopal PK

Reactive Fixing Agent
  • Cibafix Eco
  • Tinofix FRD
  • Cycianon E

Mercerizing Wetting Agent
  • Mercerol QWLF
  • LEophen MC

After Soaping Agent
  • Cibapor R liq
  • Sandopour RSK
  • Geiclean Aw

Enzyme Finishing Agent
  • Bio polish Al

Optical Brightener For cotton
  • Uvitex BBT
  • Uvitex CIDN
  • Uvitex BHV

Optical Brightener For cotton
  • Ultraphore BN liq
  • Uvitex BHT
  • Ultraphore SFG
  • Ultraphore SFR

Decolourant for Effluent treatment
  • Colfloc RD

Above chemical manufactured by different chemical manufacturer.
So, Apply one in knit dyeing process.