Deference Between Single jersey and Double Jersey Fabric

Single jersey Fabric

Single jersey is weft knitted fabric which is formed by one set of needles. Single jersey is the mostly used for making T-shirts in textile. Single jersey fabric face side and back side are different. This fabric is very comfort and popular.

Double Jersey Fabric

Double jersey is weft knitted fabric which is formed by two sets of needles. Double jersey fabric is almost similar to the single jersey fabric but in double jersey face and back side same.

Deference Between Single jersey and Double Jersey Fabric
Single Jersey & Double Jersey

Deference between Single jersey and Double Jersey Fabric

Single Jersey Fabric
Double Jersey Fabric
Normally single jersey fabric is formed by one set of needles.
But in fabric is produced by two sets of needles.
Single jersey fabric has curling tendency.
There no curing tendency.
In single jersey face side and back side are different.
Double jersey fabric has face and back side same.
Single jersey fabric is unbalanced.
Double jersey fabric is balanced.
Single jersey has laddering problem
There no laddering problem.
All are face otherwise all are back loop.
One face and one back.
Single jersey is less expensive.
Double jersey is more expensive.
